Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Optical Illusions

Check out These Awesome optical illusions, I have spent a couple hours looking at them.
Some are a little creepy, but there not to bad.

Go here:

this is my favorite

A homeless guy, or a princess?
peace and love

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I know, I know, I’m late but I have a reason. On Christmas, I thought that I could post a little story, or a cute post, but later that day I got sick. So the last couple days have been spent sleeping, or with my head in the toilet. Charming, right? But that means a lot of time simming J
Would you like to see the pictures?

Merry Christmas!
Sam and Elly

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Well, its christmas/winter break time, and im so bored my face is going to fall of. Im going to do a greek mythology thing, because greek myhtology is my special. but its ten at night, I have no school for the rest of the 2 weeks! which, means... I DONT HAVE TO  WAKE UP A 6 IN THE MORNIN' FOR 2 WEEKS STRAIGHT!!!
but right now my disc drive is half way across the room, so I cant play sims, all my homework is done, so cant do that, and my tummy hurts! Im just sad todae. *sigh* I geuss ill just go to sleep. night everyone!

peace and love

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hey, uuumm

Okay okay, I know we havent posted in a while, but thats because my parents busted me for all the missing work in science and took my computer away for while and with out it I felt real bad because I forgot to post the rest of my story. so I'm going to post that in a little while, but Elly and me are thinking 'bout get a blogspot for the legacy. this is going to be hard because for the first chp. wont have any pics, so were going to have to write a summary thing. What to do...

peace and love


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm sorry!

I'll post again later, but now I just got back from work and I been busy. There will be a new chapter of TPFL soon, but later I will post the second half of my simself and her story, sorry the first half is really boring! anyway, I have some work to do and by work I mean simming ;-)

peace and love

Friday, November 12, 2010


Its not a new Chapter, (there will be one soon) but it some funny pics 

I'm not goin' to have nightmares *shutters*
Do yawl think I'm purty!?!

Poor child...
what are you doing to my drink? 
Angel: "Will you marry me?" 
Guy whos name I forget:"yes! I love you Angel!"
Angel:"I love you too!"
30 minutes later and....

 Guy with blue-ish hair: IM WATCHIN YAWLS...


peace and love

 P.s. the sims I used are:
Angel Benett, made by SardonicSam.
Crimson FuryRed, made by FuryRed 
a couple people from the late night EP whos names I can  not remeber, but thanks for letting me make fun of you!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Late Night Love

Okay, Sam Here. Late night is my favorite EP ever! Ive played the other two, and they get boring after a while. But I must say, LN is pretty awesome!  Nice job, EA, nice job. 

Peace and Love


p.s. me and Elly will put up a new chp. this weekend if we fix it, and I will post my late night pics soon!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Okay, So...

Hi people who are reading this blog, it's Sam. Okay, so Elly and I got late night! Yay! nope! I mean, late night is uber awesome and stuffs, I loves it dear to my heart. But I all so loves all my cc, and my compizzle can not withstand the awesomeness of both the cc, and late night. so I had to move, not delete, all my cc. I dont know what that will do to my games, or the legacy file. But dont fear, for Elly is awesome and smarter then me and has a plan. So this could save the legacy, or totaly screw it up. If her plan doesnt work, than we will start a new legacy. Also, if we can save it, then there will be a new chapter this weekend.  

Love and peace,


P.s. I found this pic when I was on google. the things people do to their kids these days.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Please Dont Hunt Us and Murder Us But....

Hey, Sam and Elly here. Its not that we forgot about the legacy, it's just we live quite a bit away from eachother and we have busy lives and jobs so it's kinda hard to find time. So, there will be a new chapter that will be out next sunday and its a (late) Halloween Special! And you might, MIGHT! get a little treet on Halloween, so look out for that. 

Love ya! Hugs,

Peace and love,

Monday, October 18, 2010


    Hey, Sam here.  I love, love, LOVE the cheat bar. Its awesome, and I am loving that using it, you can make friends, add babies to your household, and change traits when ever you want! It makes my simming so much more fun and sinister! MWAHAHAHA! Oh, how I love thee, cheats.
XD Sorry, I just wanted to tell you guys that.

P.S. yes, this weekend there will be a new chapter. :-)
comment and check your reaction!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yah. Um, the New Chapter? Oh Right, *Shifty Eyes*

WE'RE SORRY!!! Elly and I have done this to you again. Were sorry! Its just something came up and there's no new chapter. There will be one soon, and it won't happen again, unless its important. Like it was this week. But Elly and I have a good plan for Xerk and Lester. Mwahahaha! Oh yes, it will be good! But we won't always live up to the scale of drama some times, like with Prestly, Donica, and Clarie. Don't worry though, we have some very good ideas for the next gens. And to all you Donica fans, she will be uploaded soon. Give her a better life then me and Elly did. Oh and which one do you like better, Xerxes or Lester? Comment your answer and check the box next to your reaction on the bottom of this post.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To all you stupid haters....

    Hey, guys. Sam and Elly. We hate, and we mean HATE people who love to go around and post hate comments. They suck cow nipples (ten points to whom ever gets that). We were reading one of are FAVORITE legacies, (the Mars family legacy, by FuryRed, one of my and Elly's favorite sim writers EVER) and we were lookin' at the comments, as you do, and we kept seeing this person who was hating on her writing. Now, we don't like it when people dis us, or anything we like, like our favorite bands, favorite TV shows, our favorite blogs, etc. I was be like someone saying your best friend, Is stupid, or ugly. We hate it! So, to all you haters out there,  GO DIE!  GET A LIFE! WE DON'T CARE, JUST SHUT UP!!! So, any one who wants to hate, think befor you do, And if you do, NO ONE WANTS TO READ YOUR SUCKISH COMMENTS! >:-(, and I hope we got the point across.

Love Ya! Hugs,


Cucumbers are People Too! Your pal,

P.S. go check out Fury, tell her she's awesome!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


    Hiya, Sam here. So, those of you who have seen are profile, you know me and Elly uber love the beatles, they're our favorite band!
    So, I was listening to the radio, and Ryan Seacrest goes and says something about a new beatles movie... kinda. It's a documentry of something about them. Leave a coment if you know anything about the new movie, and Elly and I will owe you a big creepy hug. YAY!!

P.S. I loves Ringo , and Elly's favorite is Paul, who's yours?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Clarie Apple/Pre

    Hey, It's Sam, and I've still been trying to upload Clarie. And because my computer is a..... well..... you know, I got her uploaded on the luncher and all. But she did not want to live on my page, so she's on Elly's.  on a side note,  no legacy this weekend, it's next weekend.

Peace Out,
P.S. here's Clarie! Do you like her!?! I made her donchya know! Get her on this really long link:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pre Schedual

   Hi There,

    It's Elly246! So, on the story board, Sam and I mentioned that there will be new chapters every Sunday. But you see, we like to write them together and we live quite a while away from each other. So, therefore, it's hard for us to meet up at her house every weekend to sim. So... Sam told me to tell you that chapters will be released every other week rather than every week, starting with next Sunday. You hear that, not this Sunday, next Sunday. So, you can look here next Sunday and see the new chapter:

    And if you haven't read any of the chapters yet, also go there. 
    You might also notice that all of the pictures from the first chapter have disappeared.  The reasoning for that is... THE STORY BOARD IS STUPID!!! So, you are just going to have to read it without pictures. I and Sam are truly sorry, but we were unable to recover any of them because we had already deleted them from the launcher.

    Luv Ya! Hugs,


    Peace Out,

    P.S. Please check what your reaction to this blog is at the bottom. And we LOVE comments!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oh Hell yes!

WIN! my friend made this, and sent it to our email.
By the way, if you want to email us you can reach us at

Monday, October 4, 2010

This Message Has Been Approved By Sam and Elly

Hello! Welcome to The Rants of Sam and Elly! This is going to be a blog to notify you "Pre Family Legacy" fans and such about upcoming events and chapters of stuff and things we'll be releasing! All blogposts will be important!
Elly246: No it probably won't be. It'll most likely be just random crap that we post.
Yes, but we'll try to keep the subjects on "The Pre Family Legacy"! Enjoy!