Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It's Sam, and I'm super excited because on may 3rd, THE NEW RED PYRAMID BOOK IS COMIN' OUT!!! And some of you may be thinking, Sam, isn't 15 a little old to be reading The Red Pyramid?
Yes, yes it is. But, I'm a dork when it comes to mythology/fantasy and I will read just about any thing I can get my grubby mits on. And, PLAGUE from the GONE books is coming out in like 5 DAYS!!! YYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! new books for the SamSam...

ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY! Now watch some idiot screw it up...


Friday, March 25, 2011

New Story!

Hi, It's Elly

Sam and I have created a new story called.... "The Asylum". The Intro and chapter one are out. If yawls want to check this bucket of awesome sauce out, go here:


Chapter Uno:

Enjoy dat! :-)

Luv Ya! Hugs,

Thursday, March 24, 2011



Oh my god, that face is so sexy o_0


Well, I guess that guy's straight...


Ugh, not that Pauline girl again!

Why is my skill bar going through my baby?

My toddler Jace

My other toddler Simon (10 Sam-points to who ever knows where I got those names!)

I'm just going to swim right over the young boy having a "hold your breath contest"

Oh.......Your pregnant...........uummm.... 

Peace and love

Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Install CC Without The Helper Monkey

Hi, It's Elly. Here is an extensively long guide on how to install custom content! I wrote this entire thing and it was originally an answer for somebody on Yahoo Answers. I made it as simple as possible and explained why you need everything in it!

It took me a while to figure out how to install Custom Content for the sims 3, but it was worth the wait in the end. Just follow these 10 steps and you should be downloading CC in no time.

(If you own a mac, find the instructions here: http://www.ehow.com/how_5338241_install-custom-content-sims-mac.html

1. First, you will need a program called WinRAR. This is because most Sims 3 CC files are compressed or compacted, so you need something that is capable of decompressing those files. One of the best programs to use is WinRAR. You can download the latest free trial here and just use that for now:


Just click on the download at the very top.

2. Go on your computer to My Documents<Electronic Arts< The Sims 3
There you need to create a folder called "Mods". It is very important that you spell it exactly that way, capitals and everything (Without the quotes of course)

3. Inside your new Mods folder, create another file called "Packages". Again, make sure that you spell it exactly that way without the quotes.

4. Download this file with your WinRAR program and keep the WinRAR window open for further instruction:


Just click on the "Download Resource.cfg file" link in blue lettering.

This is what is called a Resource.cfg file and it is what helps your computer know where to look for your CC.

5. When you have the WinRAR window open and it shows a little file name called Resource.cfg, click on it. Then, click on the button at the top of the window that says "Extract Here". and it will open another window with a tree of files. Click on the little plus next to "My Documents", then click on the one next to "Electronic Arts", the one next to "The Sims 3", then click on the actual word "Mods".Then Click Okay.

6. Now, the Resource.cfg file should be inside your Mods folder, next to your Packages folder. Check to make sure it is there.

7. Now you are almost there, you are done installing everything except for your Custom Content! Go to one of these sites and find something you like.

For Hair: http://peggyzone.com/Sims3Download.html?member=2

For Clothes: http://www.skysims2.com/skysims3/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=46&Itemid=37&lang=en

For Homes: http://www.sims3realestate.com/TS3_home_page.htm

(There are more CC sites that you may find in the future, but these are good ones to start with)

Once you have found something you like get ready to download it!

8. On some sites they will give you two options to download something, the first is in a .package format:

To download an item in a .package format,click the download button for it and download it with WinRAR. Then Click on the Item that you see with a little stack of books icon or anything that says .package at the end. If there is more than one, click on the first one you see, then hold down "Ctrl" or "Control" while you click on the other ones. Let go of control. Then, click the button at the top again that says "Extract Here" and click the plus symbol next to "My Documents", then the one next to "Electronic Arts" Then the one next to "The Sims 3", then the one next to "Mods", then click on the actual word "Packages". and click "okay" at the bottom. That's it! Your file should be installed!

The Second option is in a .sims3pack format:

To download an item in a .sims3pack format,click the download button for it and download it with WinRAR. Then Click on the Item that you see with a little stack of books icon or anything that says .sims3pack at the end. If there is more than one, click on the first one you see, then hold down "Ctrl" or "Control" while you click on the other ones. Let go of control. Then, click the button at the top again that says "Extract Here" and click the plus symbol next to "My Documents", then the one next to "Electronic Arts" Then the one next to "The Sims 3", then click on the actual word "Downloads". Then click "Okay". Now go to your Sims 3 Launcher and go to the "downloads" tab and you should see your items there. Now, click on it/them and click the "download" button at the bottom of your launcher and it will download! And that's it! Your item has downloaded onto your game.

9. Now,you might be wondering how you know if it is a .package format file or a .sims3pack format file if it doesn't give you a choice between them. Well, in WinRAR it should say either .package or .sims3pack. easy as that! And if it is a .rar or .zip file, it still needs to be extracted, using WinRAR.

!0. For each time you want to install a new piece of CC, re-follow step 8 .The only thing left to do is start up your game and see if all of your CC is there!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Hi People, sorry about the blog before, I was super worried. BUT NOW I'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!! I'm getting A NEW COMPUTER!  I'm VERY happy.

Love and peace




love and peace

Monday, March 14, 2011


Hey, Its Sam...my PeggyZone file got all screwy and all my PeggyZone hair stopped working. So when I was trying to redo THE WHOLE FILE, I saw this.




Sunday, March 6, 2011

You Should Love Living

    Guys, a friend of ours went missing last week, and killed herself. She was found dead last weekend. I don't know why she took her life. I need you guys to know, Elly and I are really upset. So, please, please, PLEASE help your friends if they tell you if they're upset or sad. Even if they say they don't want anyone to know. Please, if they really need help, tell a parent or trusted adult. For me. For Elly. For our dearly deceased friend.
   Anyway, so we don't end the post on such a depressing note, go to this link to find our new story:


Elly and I love you!!! Don't take your life, because someone DOES appreciate you. You guys are all amazing!

Love Ya, Hugs!


Peace and Love

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hey guys...
the other day I was chillin' at Elly's house. It was super funny because I was like,
"Hey, Elly? What if there was a turtle on steroids?"
And she said,
"Well I guess it would be like...

Zookeeper: "Hi, Mr.Turtle, do you want some food?'"

Then Elly ran across the room, flapping her hands around, screaming...

Turtle: "EEEEEEEEEEAAAA!!! I shall attack yuh with my awesome TURTEL WRATH!!!"

So, yeah...