Monday, October 4, 2010

This Message Has Been Approved By Sam and Elly

Hello! Welcome to The Rants of Sam and Elly! This is going to be a blog to notify you "Pre Family Legacy" fans and such about upcoming events and chapters of stuff and things we'll be releasing! All blogposts will be important!
Elly246: No it probably won't be. It'll most likely be just random crap that we post.
Yes, but we'll try to keep the subjects on "The Pre Family Legacy"! Enjoy!


  1. Cool! I've been waiting for you guys to get a blog. Love the legacy by the way!

  2. When are you going to get a blog to put the pre family legacy on? I hate the sims 3 story board!

  3. I love you guys!so funny :-)

  4. Maybe soon, we're still trying to figure out tiny pic.

  5. Cindy MarksOctober 04, 2010

    Hahaha! Love the new chapter!
